Webcast AGM 2020
Voting results
Final dividend announcement 2019
AkzoNobel responses to questions VEB relating to 2020
Response to VBDO questions answered during AGM
AGM 2020 notice - EN
AGM 2020 notice - NL
Minutes of AGM April 2020
Response to Eumedion questions answered during AGM
Response to VEB questions answered during AGM
AGM 2020 agenda with notes - EN
AGM 2020 agenda with notes - NL
AkzoNobel hybrid meeting terms
Amendment to the Articles of Association of Akzo Nobel N.V. - EN
Amendment to the Articles of Association of Akzo Nobel N.V. - NL
AkzoNobel hybrid meeting manual and FAQs
2019 AkzoNobel report including financial statements 2019
Remuneration report
Re-appointment to the Supervisory Board
Amended remuneration policy for the Board of Management
Amended remuneration policy for the Supervisory Board
Interim dividend announcement 2019 - EN
On March 26, 2020, the number of AkzoNobel common shares issued amounted to 199,884,369 of which 8,091,991 were held in treasury. The total number of voting rights attached to the common shares was 191,792,378. Each common share carries one vote; common shares held in treasury have no voting rights. The 48 priority shares issued carry 38,400 votes.