Share overview

AkzoNobel’s common shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The company is included in the AEX Index, which consists of the top 25 listed companies in the Netherlands, ranked on the basis of their turnover in the stock market and free float.

Stock codes and ticker symbols

Euronext ticker symbol
ISIN common share
OTC ticker symbol

Share capital

Number of shares


Nominal value
Number of votes per share


Number of shares
Nominal value
Number of votes per share


Number of shares
Nominal value
Number of votes per share


The outstanding share capital in the table above is as of December 31, 2024.

During 2023, 99 million AkzoNobel shares were traded on Euronext Amsterdam.

Shares distribution 2023 AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel has 100% free float and a broad base of international shareholders. Based on an independent shareholder analysis, the majority of institutional investors are based in the US (59%) and the UK (13%). Around 7% of the company’s share capital is held by private investors, many of whom are resident in the Netherlands. Approximately 41% of the company’s share capital was held by ESG investors1, while 14.5% was held by ESG funds2 at year-end 2023.

1 As calculated by Nasdaq, according to their methodology, which is to include the sum of: (1) Core sustainable and responsible investor firms where 100% of equity assets are managed with an environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach; (2) Sustainable and responsible investor themed funds managed by a broad range of sustainable and responsible investors.

2 As calculated by Nasdaq and includes investment funds that take into account the impact that companies they invest in have on the environment, their stakeholders and society, alongside potential financial returns.

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