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AkzoNobel announces the nomination of Mrs. Jolanda Poots-Bijl to the Supervisory Board. The appointment will be put to shareholders for approval at the Annual General Meeting in April.
After serving on the Supervisory Board of AkzoNobel for 12 years Mrs. Peggy Bruzelius will retire as member of the Supervisory Board.
Nils Andersen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, commented:
“We would like to thank Peggy for her excellent contribution and full dedication to the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee over the last 12 years. She has brought invaluable experience to the Supervisory Board and has been a good source of advice over the years, including through a period of great change for the company. We wish Peggy all the best in the future.
“We look forward to working with Jolanda to continue creating long-term value for all our stakeholders. She is a recognized expert in finance and will bring a wealth of experience. We wish her every success in her new role.”
Mrs. Poots-Bijl has been Chief Financial Officer of Royal Van Oord since 2016. Prior to this, she was CFO of Ordina, Royal Volker Wessels, Connexxion and ProRail. Mrs. Poots-Bijl also serves as a member of the Supervisory Board of Gasunie and of Blokker Holding.[1] As from March 27, 2019 Mrs. Poots – Bijl is expected to serve as a member of the Supervisory Board of Pon Holdings.
[1] The Supervisory Board membership of Mrs. Poots – Bijl at Gasunie will end per March 21, 2019 and the Supervisory Board membership at Blokker Holding will end per July 1, 2019.