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AkzoNobel share repurchase (March 27, 2017 – March 31, 2017)
April 03, 2017
AkzoNobel has repurchased 178,500 of its own ordinary shares in the period from March 27, 2017 up to and including March 31, 2017, at an average price of €77.45 per share. The consideration of the repurchase was €13.86 million.
This is part of a repurchase program announced on December 12, 2016. The total number of shares repurchased under this program to date is 2.17 million ordinary shares for a total consideration of €143.66 million.
The purpose of the program is to neutralize the dilutive effect of stock dividends paid in 2016.
For more information, visit the Share buyback overview.
This is a press release by Akzo Nobel N.V. pursuant to Section 5, paragraph 4 of the Netherlands Decree on Public Takeover Bids.
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