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Akzo Nobel N.V. (AKZA; AKZOY) announces the substitution of Akzo Nobel Sweden Finance AB (publ) by Akzo Nobel N.V. as the issuer.
This refers to the €750 million bond, issued in July 2012, with a maturity of ten years, at a coupon of 2.625 percent (Guaranteed Euro Medium Term Notes due 27 July 2022; ISIN XS0809847667).
No further changes result from the substitution; all rights of the noteholders under the Notes remain unchanged.
Pursuant to § 11 of the terms and conditions of the Notes, Akzo Nobel Sweden Finance AB (publ)
is substituted by Akzo Nobel N.V. as issuer of the Notes, and Akzo Nobel N.V. is substituted by Akzo Nobel Sweden Finance AB (publ) as guarantor of the Notes, in each case as of December 20, 2018.
This press release constitutes “regulated information” (gereglementeerde informatie) within the meaning of the Dutch Financial Markets Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). A copy of this press release is available on the website of Akzo Nobel N.V. www.akzonobel.com