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AkzoNobel’s continued commitment to offering the best conditions for its employees has been recognized by the Top Employers Institute, with the company receiving official certification in three of its key markets – Brazil, China and the UK.
The latest accreditation means that AkzoNobel has now achieved Top Employer status for six years in a row in the UK and five consecutive years in China, while in Brazil it’s the second year running.
The Top Employers Institute is a global certification company which carries out extensive analysis in order to recognize excellence in the conditions that employers create for their people.
At AkzoNobel we believe we can only grow our business as fast as we grow our people,” said Marten Booisma, the company’s Director of Human Resources. “I’m extremely proud that our efforts to develop our people and create a great working environment have once again been recognized.”
Added Wendy MacDonald, AkzoNobel’s HR Director in the UK: “I’m delighted that AkzoNobel has again achieved the Top Employers certification. To be recognized for six years in a row shows our continued dedication to making AkzoNobel a great place to work. We all believe in our employees and understand how vital it is to focus on the personal development of our people, offering them the very best working environment possible”.
Crucial to receiving the Top Employers certification is the completion of a stringent research process and meeting the required high standards. To further reinforce the validity of this process, all answers are independently audited.
“Optimal employee conditions ensure that people can develop themselves personally and professionally,” commented Top Employers Institute CEO, David Plink. “Our comprehensive research concluded that AkzoNobel provides an outstanding employment environment and offers a wide range of creative initiatives, from secondary benefits and working conditions, to performance management programs that are well thought out and truly aligned with the culture of their company.”
To learn more about the Top Employers Institute and the Top Employers certification, please visit: www.top-employers.com.
For more information on what it’s like to work for AkzoNobel, please visit the AkzoNobel career website: https://www.akzonobel.com/careers/career-overview